About Us

Our Journey

Having worked as a professional Travel Agent for almost 40 years, Leonie Spencer together with her family have always believed in innovation and thinking outside the square to keep ahead of change. Seven years ago, the idea for an App to replace ticket wallets came as the Spencer family travelled to the USA.

After observing travellers passing through airports, boarding transfers, checking into hotels and joining day tours we found very few paper documents were being exchanged. Our whole trip was undertaken without having to hand over any paper documents or vouchers and from there the Smart Trips App was devised. We surveyed Lifestyle Travel clients and they were positive about using an app either as a replacement or alongside their existing document wallet.

We researched, developed, tested and gained feedback prior to launching, firstly to our own clients and then to other Travel Agents. Our App was developed for our clients as a point of difference, however the feedback has been so overwhelmingly positive and delivered incredible benefits to our business, that we decided to offer it as a white label version for other agents.

An Award Winning App!

We now have a growing number of agencies using Smart Trips and have been formally recognised at the 2018 Australian Travel Awards as a finalist for ‘Innovation of the Year’ as well as receiving a Judges Commendation Award in the ‘Best Travel Agent Technology Innovation’ category at the 2018 AFTA NTIA Awards.

As a team, we head into the newest phase of this exciting journey, taking Smart Trips to other like-minded agencies, continually innovating and investing in new technology and features to make Smart Trips the most efficient and effective travel tool available!

Meet Our Team

Leonie Spencer


Simon Spencer


Ready to Deliver Smarter Travel?

Smart Trips gives you the technology to streamline your travel business and provide next-level customer service to your clients. Contact us to learn more and let’s book in your free demo call!


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