Case Studies

Case Studies

Smart Trips offers the option to utilise the Smart Trips branded App, or upgrade to a Personalised Agency Branded App. Here are some case studies from agencies who have successfully implemented their own branded App into their business.

The World @ Braeside Travel

The Smart Trips App is the smartest thing I have done in my business over the past 3 years. Our clients absolutely love it – especially the older ones who “don’t want more technology”. After demonstrating the app and supporting them to download it, they can’t stop raving about it! Being able to upload rescheduled tickets or vouchers straight to the app makes life so much easier. Our corporate travellers love the diary for tracking their expenses, where they can take a photo of a receipt and store it which can be easily accessed. Having passports and Insurance documents at hand has been brilliant in an emergency too. The possibilities are endless with Smart Trips and Simon and the team are always responsive and open to continually improving its features.

– Karen Kenter, Managing Director – The World at Braeside Travel

Travelling Fit

Smart Trips has been a great documentation tool introduced into the Travelling Fit business. It has helped to reduce our paper printing, cut down the time taken dramatically to provide travel documents plus it looks so much more polished and professional. Not only has it helped the business internally, it’s also been a great benefit to our clients in offering an easy to use and great looking documentation App that they can use for any holidays booked with us. The Smart Trips team have been so patient in getting this set up for us and are always available if we need assistance.

– Craig Herbert, Office Manager – Travelling Fit

Williamstown Travel & Cruise

From first meeting with Simon and Leonie, I had full confidence that Smart Trips would be a future process for all of our travel documentation. The app is very easy to use and is extremely useful, especially for our cruise clients who have to relinquish their passports on board. By having a copy of their passport on their app, they can easily access this to show their ID, when changing currency or making a purchase. With majority of wholesalers going green by only releasing PDF documents, implementing the app into our business has been the perfect way for us to make that transition as well.

Our clients love the ability to connect to offline maps and message us directly from the App, with all their documentation accessible from their device. I highly recommend adopting Smart Trips into your travel business – it offers a professional way to connect with your clients and will put you ahead of travel agents stuck in the 80’s!

– Rhonda Paice, Director – Williamstown Travel and Cruise

Angas Travel

The Smart Trips App (AngasDocs App) has made our life so much easier and best of all, saves precious time!  Not only is the uploading and distribution of documents quick and simple to follow, the App has proven to be an invaluable tool empowering us to easily communicate either to a group, tour leaders or to individual clients.

– Kate Collins & Jackie Male, Directors – Angas Travel 

Ready to Deliver Smarter Travel?

Smart Trips gives you the technology to streamline your travel business and provide next-level customer service to your clients. Contact us to learn more and let’s book in your free demo call!


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